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Thursday, December 12, 2024

Create WordPress Shortcode To Display Number Of Products

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In WooCommerce, you can create a shortcode that displays the total number of products in your store by using the wc_get_product_count function. This function returns the total number of products in your store, including both published and unpublished products.

Here’s an example of how you can create a shortcode that displays the total number of products in your store:

function total_products_shortcode() { 
    $total_products = wc_get_product_count(); 
    return $total_products; 
add_shortcode( 'total_products', 'total_products_shortcode' );

This example creates a shortcode called total_products, which you can use in your pages and posts like this:

This will output the total number of products in your store.

You could also use wp_count_posts to count only the number of published products, then use the post type of product to retrieve the product count, like so:

function total_published_products_shortcode() { 
     $count = wp_count_posts('product'); 
     return $count->publish; 
add_shortcode( 'total_published_products', 'total_published_products_shortcode' );

In this case we are creating a shortcode called total_published_products

In both examples, the shortcodes will return a number which you can use in any way you want, like appending a message for example.

It’s worth noting that you need to place these codes in your active theme’s functions.php file or in a plugin.

Please make sure you have a backup or a version of your functions.php file before editing it.

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